Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians
Amy Johnson
BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Practice Management and Development
Carole Clarke & Marion Chapman
BSAVA 系列 (1)
Raptors in Captivity, Guidelines for Care and Management
Exotic Pet Behavior - Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals
Birds, Reptiles & Small Mammals
The Rabbit - Husbandry, Health and Production
F. Lebas, P. Coudert, R. Rouvier and H. De Rochambeau
Dog Behavior, Modern Science and Our Canine Companions
James C. Ha & Tracy L. Campion
Canine Parasites and Parasitic Diseases
Seppo Saari & Anu Näreaho & Sven Nikander
The Biology of the Guinea Pig
Joseph E. Wagner
The Guide to Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy
B. Anne Croy & Aureo T. Yamada & Francesco J. DeMayo & S. Lee Adamson
Avian Immunology
Karel A. Schat & Bernd Kaspers & Pete Kaiser