The Veterinary Care of the Horse
Sue Devereux
Clinical Radiology of the Horse, 3rd Edition
Janet A. Butler & Christopher Colles & Sue J. Dyson & Svend E. Kold & Paul W. Poulos
Horse Pasture Management
Paul Sharpe
Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat
Gary Landsberg & Lisa Radosta & Lowell Ackerman
Laboratory Medicine - Avian and Exotic Pets
Avian & Exotic Pets
Bacterial Skin Infections in Small Animals
Alberto Martín Cordero
Greene's Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Jane E. Sykes
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition
Jane E. Sykes & Craig E. Greene
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Scott Weese & Michelle Evason
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters, 1st Edition
Lila Miller, Kate F. Hurley
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters, 2nd Edition
Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Michael J. Day
Canine Infectious Diseases, Self-Assessment Color Review
Katrin Hartmann & Jane Sykes
Drug Therapy for Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Valerie J. Wiebe
Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals and Birds in Europe
Dolorés Gavier-Widen & Anna Meredith & J. Paul Duff
Infectious Disease Ecology of Wild Birds
Jennifer C. Owen & Dana M. Hawley & Kathryn P. Huyvaert