Veterinary Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Sun-Chong Wang
Small Animal Medical Diagnosis
Lorenz, Michael D., Neer, T. Mark, DeMars , Paul
Tennant, Bryn.
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Surgical Principles
Tim Hutchinson & Stephen Baines & Vicky Lipscomb
BSAVA 系列 (1)
Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery
Fred Anthony Mann & Gheorghe M. Constantinescu & Hun-Young Yoon
Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 3rd Edition
Brian H. Coles
Wild Birds and Avian Influenza, An Introduction to Applied Field ...
Darrell Whitworth & Scott Newman & Taej Mundkur & Phil Harris & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations