The Blue Book, Ocular Disorders Presumed to be Inherited in Purebred Dogs, 8th Edition

American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologist

Language: English

Published: Nov 10, 2016


Ocular disorders, proven or presumed to be inherited in purebred dogs, have been a topic of intense dialogue by Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) for many years. Discussions commenced in the latter half of the 20th century during the early days of this College’s inception, have continued into the 21st century, and will no doubt continue for years to come. Our knowledge of the existence, nature, progression, and inheritance of ocular disorders continues to expand as this field of veterinary science evolves. The Genetics Committee of the ACVO was originally formed in response to requests by registries, breed groups, and veterinarians, with the intent to provide a scientific advisory panel and guidelines regarding ocular disorders in purebred dogs. The Genetics Committee of today remains engaged in an ongoing

effort to update information on ocular disorders for this purpose.


The content of this production has originated from several sources as the ACVO recently created a Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER), which is a joint effort between the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and the ACVO. The addition of eye examination results to the OFA database makes the OFA the most complete source of canine health screening results in the world, allowing responsible breeders to make more informed breeding decisions in an effort to reduce the incidence of inherited disease