Zoological Education Network, Inc.
Language: English
Wildlife and Zoo 野生动物与动物园
Publisher: Zoological Education Network, Inc.
Published: Apr 7, 2009
Full-color veterinary reference on common unusualcompanion pets including: Guinea pigs, African naked molerats, Shrews, Ring-tailed possums, Richardson's groundsquirrels, Flying squirrels, Bennett's wallabies, Ring-tailed lemurs, Servals, OcelotsJackson's chameleons, Green anoles, Frilled lizards, African fat-tailed geckos, TegusSolomon Island prehensile-tailed skinks, Savannah and white-throated monitor lizardsLeopard tortoises, Hermann's tortoises, Horsfield's tortoises, Spiny softshell turtles, Milksnakes, Green tree pythons, Oriental fire-bellied toads, White's tree frogs, Tomato frogsAfrican clawed frogs, Betta fish, Oscar fish, Pigeons, japanese quail, American crows.Mandarin ducks and Emperor scorpions.Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statisticsBehavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, DietRestraint, Blood collection, Iniection sites, Hematologic and biochemistry reference valuesMost common disorders, Zoonotic potential and Formularies (guinea pig only).
Full-color veterinary reference on common unusualcompanion pets including: Guinea pigs, African naked molerats, Shrews, Ring-tailed possums, Richardson's groundsquirrels, Flying squirrels, Bennett's wallabies, Ring-tailed lemurs, Servals, OcelotsJackson's chameleons, Green anoles, Frilled lizards, African fat-tailed geckos, TegusSolomon Island prehensile-tailed skinks, Savannah and white-throated monitor lizardsLeopard tortoises, Hermann's tortoises, Horsfield's tortoises, Spiny softshell turtles, Milksnakes, Green tree pythons, Oriental fire-bellied toads, White's tree frogs, Tomato frogsAfrican clawed frogs, Betta fish, Oscar fish, Pigeons, japanese quail, American crows.Mandarin ducks and Emperor scorpions.Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statisticsBehavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, DietRestraint, Blood collection, Iniection sites, Hematologic and biochemistry reference valuesMost common disorders, Zoonotic potential and Formularies (guinea pig only).