Equine Veterinary Nursing, 2nd Edition

Karen Coumbe

Language: English

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: Jun 25, 2012


The breadth and depth of expertise essential for equineveterinary nursing today is provided in this definitive textbook. Thoroughly revised and updated in its second edition, and nowfully illustrated in colour. This book covers the content ofthe ever-expanding equine nursing syllabus, while still succinctlycovering all the basics that veterinary nurses specialising inother species need to know. The key subjects included are: basicequine management, medical and surgical equine nursing, nutrition,reproduction and foal care, emergency first aid, and the theoryunderpinning these and other important topics. Equine Veterinary Nursing Second Edition is presented ina clear and user-friendly manner, appropriate for all thoseinvolved in equine nursing. A practical approach is used throughoutand procedures are illustrated with a large number of line diagramsand clinical photographs. It is an essential manual for all studentand qualified equine veterinary nurses and all those involved inthe care of horses. KEY FEATURES Includes a new chapter on the equine nurse’s professionalresponsibilities Major revisions to the chapters on diagnostic imaging andsurgical nursing to reflect advances in technology andtechniques All information on health and safety management updated inkeeping with new regulations Authors include both vets and experienced equine nurses Endorsed by the British Equine Veterinary Association "With the increasing demands of equine practice has come theneed for well trained and competent equine nurses. There have beensignificant improvements in and expansion of the equine VeterinaryNurse training syllabus over the past few years to meet thesedemands. This new and updated edition of Equine VeterinaryNursing covers all aspects of the new syllabus with wellwritten and illustrated chapters from a wide range of knowledgableand experienced authors. The British Equine Veterinary Associationis pleased to endorse this text as a 'must have' for all traineeequine veterinary nurses and their training practices."- Deidre M Carson BVSc(Syd) MRCVS Immediate Past President, BEVA